Scrooge – A Christmas Carol
Scrooge - a Christmas story by Charles Dickens in the Scaramouche theatre under Menden’s indoor pool.
“I know it's a bit early, but after Christmas is before Christmas, so: I'm planning a Christmas production that fits wonderfully within the Christmas season. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens or in German: Scrooge - a Christmas story”.
This decision was made by Martin Smith in January 2009, the audience experienced the result at the premiere on 25th December of the same year.
The story, for anyone who doesn’t know Charles Dickens, has a bit of everything, something sad, something funny and even something thoughtful. Scrooge, the lead actor, is a bitter old man who knows nothing of Christmas, charity, and the warmth of heart. His deceased business partner Marlies (Original: Marley) visits him and warns him that 3 ghosts will come.
These spirits symbolize his past, present and future. This transforms Scrooge almost 180 degrees. We are approaching the happy ending of the story!
And suddenly there was never a kinder man than Scrooge !!!
I imagined the production to involve some music and with imposing scenes.
A staging with "special effects", creepy ghosts, funny elements and strange scenes.
I allowed the staging to have a little British flavour!