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Hiding behind this name is a group of English speaking friends, who meet regularly every fortnight to do exactly that what the name of their club implies: speaking English. Unless otherwise stated, we meet on a Tuesday at 20.00 hrs in the pub called “Arminia Klause“ in Oberrödingshausen.
The English-Speaking-Club is not a registered club and therefore has no fixed membership. It‘s free and the only rule we do have is that you have to at least try and speak English.
The programme for the first half of this year is out now and published. The ESC consists of our Chairman Rolf Unverricht, our delightful Treasurer Christa Price and our Spokesman Martin Smith. There are no obligations to take part in the games etc. that we organise. If you so wish you can simply watch and listen.
The club began in 1996.
View the latest newsletter:

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